
沃拉沃拉大学 resources for the media

沃拉沃拉大学是一所 基督复临安息日会 institution of higher education founded in 1892. 完全认可的机构, WWU offers more than 100 areas of study in professional and technical programs and the liberal arts. 

The headquarters of WWU is located on an 83-acre campus in 大学的地方 situated in the Walla Walla Valley in Southeastern 华盛顿 state. The 大学 also operates four satellite campuses, 包括波特兰的一所护理学校, 俄勒冈州, 阿纳科特斯附近的一个海洋生物站, 华盛顿, and School of Social Work and Sociology campuses in Missoula and Billings, 蒙大拿. 了解更多关于WWU的信息.



Gerber shares her experience leading ASWWU's Connect with the Creator film festival


布鲁克林·格伯是钢琴专业的大二学生. As spiritual vice president for Associated 学生 of 沃拉沃拉大学 (ASWWU), she led organization efforts for ASWWU’s second annual Connect with the Creator Film Festival. The festival is open to students of all Adventist colleges in North America and videos respond to the question, “How do you connect with God through the outdoors?” 

“Coming into this year [2023–24] as ASWWU spiritual vice president was a little intimidating at first. Last year I got to experience all of the fun programs and events that ASWWU plans, and now I had to live up to those expectations. 正因为如此, I really appreciate being able to rely on my boss Annaliese Grellmann, ASWWU总统, and learning about leadership by watching her example.

今年, I was prepared to plan week of worships and all of the vespers and afterglows, but I didn’t expect that I would get the chance to organize a film festival too. 帕克勒克莱尔, a WWU grad and last year’s ASWWU spiritual VP, 创立了这个节日, because he saw a lack of outdoor film festivals that emphasize a spiritual twist. 作为基督徒, the outdoors serve as evidence of God’s character, 通过它,澳门真人官网赌场可以看到上帝是谁, 这是澳门真人官网赌场崇拜的重要组成部分. 

I was excited about continuing Connect with the Creator, and being a part of its beginning stages—I hope to see it take off and grow in the future. 然而, this event was much larger than the others that I have been in charge of so far: it wasn’t just a one night event, 这需要大量的持续沟通, 规划, and networking with other colleges and student associations. 

The biggest challenge was not hearing back from schools and struggling to gain commitment from possible participants. The students have a lot of other classes and projects going on, but I can only host a film festival with whatever films I am presented with. It was difficult at first to find people who were willing to commit the amount of time necessary for creating these films. 但在我收到大量的利息之后, it was really cool to get to see the resulting energy that was sparked in these filmmakers. They had to set their own deadlines and checks; this wasn't part of a class, but it still required a big time commitment and it demanded quality results. 

This whole process taught me the importance of communication and trust when it comes to any kind of leadership. 我必须确保每个人——我的团队, 其他学院, and the participants—were aware of every deadline and were updated on all the current event information. But at some point I had to trust the filmmakers to turn in a quality film for the show. 

The Connect with the Creator film festival was a lot of work, but it was absolutely worth it. Each film was so cool because they all had the same prompt, but each was so different: one talked about studying God by looking at nature as His handiwork, and another focused on the community that can be found in the outdoors especially when working towards a common goal. I would definitely call this year’s festival a success, and I am so excited to watch it grow in the future. 

I wouldn't have been able to successfully execute this event if I hadn’t been able to lean on those around me. During my time as ASWWU spiritual vice president, I learned that just because someone may be the spiritual head, 或者是某个团队的领导者, doesn't mean they can do more than the average person. It is really important to ask for help when you need it. 

你可以 观看短片集锦 submitted to the festival on ASWWU’s YouTube channel.







生活. 在一起.

所有伟大的故事都有一个起点. Ours begins where the air is clear and where ideas, energy, and people do life—together.



Westwind, 沃拉沃拉大学的杂志, 每年出版三次(三月, 7月, and November) to share news and information about WWU with alumni, 在校生家长, 还有大学里的其他朋友.